Friday, September 11, 2009

Installation : September 10, 2009

The Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery, 537 Broadway, NYC, NY 10012: Hours 1 pm - 7pm  Friday & Saturday.  (Tues - Sat 1pm - 7pm - thru 22 September).


sarah clayton said...


Julie Takacs said...

a work of art.

misses free said...

great! wish i could be there to watch it, but its quite far from germany....
good luck with the exhibition!

Honey Millmann said...

and we were there........

lotus777 said...

Success all around! Congratulations! My son and I viewed and participated from Montana. If the medium is the message then the internet was the postcard which was the page in the book. Screens are now pages and pages are screens.

Unknown said...

I was so excited about being part of the whole experience watching it all webcast live while I was eating breakfast in Australia. And to be connecting with other artists online. Thanks so much Matthew for all your hard work and organisation. I'm so pleased I was part of it.

Virginia Milici said...

Congratulations. I have followed the event from house my Treviso through the video of the site. interesting all installations performance, event followed with interest for the concept and the so many intervened Artists. still with her Matthew. thanks a regard Virginia

Anonymous said...

hrumph! For shame you are a sham. This is art? I for one was not moved. Leave Neda out of this male bovine manure....Vontauber is eaten up sick sick sick,.,.,.,.